CPT Q. 000: Introduction – 101 Questions and Answers Concerning Catastrophic Plate Tectonics

101 Questions and Answers Concerning Catastrophic Plate Tectonics
This set of questions and answers is an outcome of a peer review process that began early in 2009 and continued through the summer of 2011, initiated and led by Joe Bardwell, president of In Jesus’ Name Productions. The review itself included six different Flood models and involved five rounds of questions from a ten-member review panel and answers from the authors of the respective models. The chief objective of the review was to evaluate the technical underpinnings of each of the models. This was by far the most probing investigation of the science behind the various attempts to explain the physical aspects of the Genesis Flood undertaken to date. The questions and answers pertaining to the catastrophic plate tectonics (CPT) portion of the review are included here.
PDF Introduction
This set of questions and answers is an outcome of a peer review process that began in early 2009 and continued through the summer of 2011. The review was initiated, organized, and directed by Joe Bardwell, president of In Jesus’ Name Productions (IJNP). As described on the IJNP website at www.IJNP.org, IJNP is:
“a not-for-profit ministry created to be the world’s first Christian movie studio. The IJNP vision is to bring together the worldwide body of Christ and leading Hollywood filmmakers to create and release films designed to be both compelling entertainment and high-quality ministry tools for the purpose of maximum spiritual impact throughout the world.”
One IJNP movie project currently under development and consideration is a scientifically accurate feature film on the Genesis Flood. As a preliminary step in this project, to explore more fully the science behind the Flood, IJNP hosted a scientific peer review of the leading Flood models and pre-Flood world concepts.
On IJNP’s website you can find more details on this peer review process as follows:
- An Overview of the Flood Science Review
- The Objective of the Review
- The Authors who participated
- The Panelists who were selected to review each Author’s work
- The Panel selection process
- The Review process
- Quotes from Authors and Reviewers concerning the Review
In summary, the peer review process involved, first, the posting of materials describing each Flood model on a special website by the author who would represent the model in the review process. The next step involved the selection of ten scientists to serve as review panelists. The third step was the determination of the set of Flood models to be reviewed. Six models were chosen. These included the vapor canopy model, the catastrophic plate tectonics (CPT) model, the hydroplate model, the solid canopy model, the impact vertical tectonics model, and the collapse tectonics model.
The next step was the actual review. For this process, each review panelist provided a written question to each of the six Flood model authors. Each author then had a specified amount of time, generally a month, to respond in writing to each of the ten questions. Each of the panelists and authors could then review all the questions and answers prior to the next round of questions and answers. There were four such rounds. In the fifth and final round, the panelists could ask as many questions as they desired of each author.
This document is derived from the set of questions and answers pertaining to the catastrophic plate tectonics model which was generated by this review process. Editing mostly involved a shortening of the questions to make them more succinct, since some panelists sometimes included commentary and background which was peripheral to their actual question.
It is hoped that these questions and answers will help elucidate many points which have previously not been so clear for those who have had an interest in the mechanisms associated with the Genesis Flood in general and CPT in particular.
What is not included in this document are my own critiques of the other Flood models, the other author’s critiques of CPT, and the panelist’s questions to the other authors. Should you desire to download the full Flood Science Review (download), it is available at IJNP, free of charge for a donation of any size to the IJNP ministry.
John Baumgardner
April 2012