Welcome to the Human Genome: The Most Advanced Computer Operating System in the Universe

How many of you are Mac fans out there? Windows fans? Any die-hard Linux hold outs? Well, before you start fighting with each other, let’s just clear the table: none of these operating systems can hold a candle to the human genome. I have so little space, so most of what follows will be key citations that illustrate this marvel.

Bill Gates once stated:
Human DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created.1
But what does Bill Gates know about DNA? Well, consider Dr. John Sanford, now a wonderful and humble creationist, formerly an atheist genetics professor at Cornell University, and inventor of the ‘gene gun’:
“So the genome is all of our genetic material combined. So it’s all the genes on all our chromosomes, and it’s made up of approximately 3 billion letters. Which is a vast amount of information, it’s like many many sets of encyclopedias. And it’s basically an instruction manual on how to build a human cell. And how to build a human body. Or actually more accurately, it’s, it’s, it’s less like a book, than a computer program. It’s like an operating system, but it’s vastly superior to any operating system man has developed. … The genome has multiple overlapping messages. Try to imagine a book in a chapter, and hidden, embedded in that chapter, in addition to the obvious meaning of the words in the chapter, are other messages. And even in the same sentence there might be several messages embedded. And even more astounding is, you know the DNA has two strands, one running one way, the other running the other. For the longest time they thought the one strand was just for replication, and all the information was on the other strand. Just one strand had information. What they found with the ENCODE project was for more of 50% of the genome, both strands are read, so it’s like reading a sentence forwards so it has one meaning, and reading it backwards, and there’s another message there. So, it’s data compression on the most sophisticated level.” (source from video immediately below)”

Folks, I lament that I have so little space, but please consider watching this astounding video presentation by Dr. Rob Carter: ‘The High-Tech Cell’! The trailer below gives a link of where to get the full presentation:
Also see Carter’s: The Extraordinary 4-Dimensional Design of DNA
Is the human genome really, really, comparable to a computer operating system? Well, I’ll leave you with one more stimulating point on this subject, and then you can make up you’re own mind: “[the genome] is not a protein computer. Actually, the genome is more like an RNA super-computer that *outputs* protein.”:
“From the results of the ENCODE project specifically, the world has been given a glimpse inside the most sophisticated computer operating system in the known universe – the human genome. But it is not a protein computer. Actually, the genome is more like an RNA super-computer that *outputs* protein. In a similar way to your computer, which has a hard drive, rewritable memory (RAM), and a screen for output, the genomic computer has DNA for information storage, RNA for information comparison and calculation, and protein for output.”2
See the clip above of Evolution’s Achilles’ Heels. This was a terrifically done film by CMI which I highly recommend on the topics of biology, the impossibility of evolution, and so forth.
Behold, what God has hidden for us! Is it not time to seek him, the author of this all?
“… nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things … that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us…” (Acts 17:25-28)
Please note that this article was originally published as a short “Creation Corner” article in a church bulletin significant space restraints (2014.4 Fall edition of First News, Dayton Open Bible)