CPT Q. 061: How well has CPT served as an impetus for new geological research relating to the Flood?
Q. 61. CPT was introduced nearly two decades ago. How well has it served as a basis for geological research within diluvialism? Would an examination of the technical literature demonstrate that CPT is a strong or a weak model for stimulating investigation in related fields such as sedimentology, structural geology, marine geology, etc.? Why have your co-authors from 1994 not published more about the model within their separate specialties? What spin-off theories within diluvial geology or related sciences have been generated by CPT?
Response: As at many times in the past concerning the things of God, the laborers in this endeavor likewise are few. There just aren’t that many of us involved in geological research, regardless of specialty, who take the Genesis Flood as a genuine historical reality. The newly formed Creation Geology Society is a fledgling group with just a handful of people. The Institute for Creation Research in 2006 initiated the Flood Activated Sedimentation and Tectonics (FAST) program. That program originally included orogeny-related projects that indeed relied on CPT for its context, but the program no longer enjoys financial sponsorship. Prior to FAST, between 1997 and 2005 most of the authors of the joint 1994 CPT paper were heavily involved with the RATE project. This was because each deemed the need for finding the explanation for why radioisotope methods gave such disparate ages relative to the time frame of Scripture to be of such extreme priority. Perhaps, we need to need to get serious in asking our God to raise up more laborers and more resources for this aspect of His work at this crucial moment in history.